Friday, March 23, 2007

Recommendation: C'est La Folie

If you were charmed by Peter Mayle's Provence books, check out Michael Wright's droll column in an English newspaper called The Daily Telegraph. My mother found his column some years ago, and we've both been avid fans ever since. Wright is a Londoner who pulled up roots in 2004 and relocated to a 15th century farmhouse in France called La Folie. Here he cultivates the not so simple life of the one man farm and shares with us his many joys, mishaps, and heartbreaks as well as his encounters with memorable beasts of all stripes.

You can find a collection of his columns, called (not surprisingly) C'est La Folie on

Or check out his current (3/25/07) La Folie column:
"I am sipping my first cup of tea of the day when Digby leaps up and starts barking so piercingly that I fear he may crack the plate-glass door of the wood-burning stove. And then I hear what he is hearing and am tempted to bark myself." Link to article.


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