Friday, August 10, 2007

Book Suggestions

I've just been given a 9/18 deadline for selecting the Spring 2008 booklist for Readers Roundtable. So, please email me with any books suggestions you have or bring them to our next Readers Roundtable meeting on September 6. We'll be selecting 4 books for the months February to May.

I've received a few suggestions so far. One person proposed that we read more African-American authors. Good idea! Does anyone have any favorite titles/authors they'd like to recommend? I'd think it'd be interesting to read something by a contemporary African-American author on current day issues. But whatever title/s the group picks is fine by me. There's lots to choose from. I'll also bring some suggestions to the next meeting.

Here's a list of other books (in no particular order) I've gotten so far from Roundtable members and librarians. Please review. We can discuss them at the next meeting.
  • The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai This book about India won the 2006 Man Booker Prize and the National Critics Circle Award.
  • Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky. Taryn, a Reference Librarian, just gave this an intriguing write up in "Staff Recommendations."
  • Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Anne Dillard. A meditation on nature that won the 1975 Pulitzer Prize and as since become a modern classic.
  • Carmelo by Sandra Cisneros. Apparently a good, sprawling read on the Mexican immigrant experience in 20th century America.
  • Timothy, or Notes on an Abject Reptile by Verlyn Klinkenborg. An unusual book that was enthusiastically recommended to me by several people and the critics also loved it...and its only 200 pages.
  • Half of the Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This book was a finalist for several prizes and won the Orange Prize for Fiction. The person who recommended it liked it for its well-drawn characters and history of West Africa. I'd like to read it for these reasons and because I've read so few books about Africa actually written by Africans.
So, look these over and see what interests you, and feel free to suggest more titles.


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